1907 State Rd.
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone: 440-967-3251
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays

Road Department

Steve Young, Foreman
Vermilion Township Road Department
11607 Stanley Road
Vermilion, Ohio 44089
Phone: 440-967-8658
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4:00pm
(on call as needed)
Services provided are:
Road side ditch and right of way mowing
Tree trimming – Only within road right of way
Road surface repair with Dura Patcher
Road surface crack sealing
Snow and ice removal
Ditch cleaning
Sign maintenance
Drain tile installation
The Vermilion Township Road Department consists of two full-time employees who are responsible for maintaining 21.43 miles of Vermilion Township roads and to ensure roads remain in good condition, with the exception of all state routes/highways and county roads. The Road Department has the equipment needed to handle the worst northern Ohio winters and prides itself on being able to maintain safe road conditions through the winter season.
Ditch mowing is generally conducted before Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. The Road Department may add to this schedule at their discretion.
During the winter the Road Department asks to please use extra caution around the trucks. It can be extremely difficult for the operators to see oncoming vehicles during snow events.
Please contact the Road Department at 440-967-8658 if you plan on any of the following:
Enclosing an open ditch
Installing a new driveway
Draining storm water to an open ditch, tile or catch basin
The Vermilion Township Road Department is responsible for maintaining the following roads:
1. Ashmont
2. Bailey
3. Barnes
4. Cemetery
5. Chardonnay Circle
6. Cherry
7. Coen
8. Colonial Court
9. Daylon
10. Dean — West side
11. Frailey
12. Furnace
13. Haber — South side
14. Hickory
15. Holiday
16. Joppa — North of Route 6
17. Kneisel
18. Poorman
19. Risden — North of Route 6
20. Sassafras
21. Sperry
22. Stanley
23. Thompson
24. Trinter
25. Wine Street
Private Roads—Not Serviced by the Township
Briar Lane
Meadow Lane
Any Homeowner's Association
The Erie County Highway Department (Erie County Engineer) is responsible for maintaining the following roads located in Vermilion Township:
Toll free for Erie County residents only: 1-888-399-6065 or 1-419-627-7710
Joppa — South of Route 6
Risden — South of Route 6
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT Erie County) is responsible for maintaining the following roads located in Vermilion Township:
Phone: 1-419-499-2351
State Route 2
State Route 6 (Lake Road)
State Route 60