1907 State Rd.
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone: 440-967-3251
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays
Zoning Resolution Article 24
24.1 Applicability
All uses, except single-family and two-family dwellings on individual lots, shall be required to provide off-street parking facilities in compliance with this article.
24.2 Purpose
It is the express purpose of this article to implement the following objectives:
a) To minimize the impact of vehicular traffic, entering or exiting any parking lot, upon the public streets by controlling the number and location of access driveways.
b) To facilitate and encourage safe and convenient pedestrian movement in appropriate areas of a parking lot and elsewhere.
c) To enhance the amenity, safety and appearance of uses, via landscaping, screening, sidewalks and other similar requirements.
d) To maximize the safety and convenience of vehicular circulation, both within the subject property and on the township road network.
e) To enhance compatibility between land uses.
24.3 Off-Street Parking Design Standards
All off-street parking facilities including entrances, exits, maneuvering areas and parking spaces shall be in accordance with the following standards and specifications:
1. Parking Space Dimensions: Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet exclusive of access drives or aisles and shall be of usable shape and condition.
2. Access: There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Where the lot or parking spaces do not provide direct access to a public street or alley, an access drive shall be provided, with a dedicated easement of access, as follows:
a) For single, two or three family residential dwellings, the access drive shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width.
b) For all other residential uses and all other uses, the access drive shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet in width.
c) All parking spaces except those required for single, two or three family dwellings, shall have access to a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or into a public street or alley shall be traveling in a forward motion.
3. Setbacks: The location of off-street parking facilities for more than five (5) vehicles may be located in required yards as specified elsewhere in this resolution notwithstanding the requirements specified in the Official and Supplementary Schedules of District Regulations and Dimensional Requirements. Parking lots located ten (10) feet from road right-of-way, ten (10) feet from residential side yards and rear yards and maintained as a green area.
4. Screening: In addition to the setback requirements specified in this resolution for off street parking facilities for more than five (5) vehicles, screening shall be provided on each side of a parking area that abuts any residential district. Screening shall comply with the requirements of Section 22.18 of this resolution.
5. Paving: Areas shall be hard surfaced with hard asphalt or concrete binder.
6. Drainage: All parking spaces, together with driveways, aisles and other circulation areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which might accumulate within or upon such area and shall be designed to prevent the excess drainage of surface water on adjacent properties, walkways or onto the public streets. Adequate arrangements shall be made to insure acceptable diversion to an adequate storm drainage system. All drainage plans shall be approved by the County Engineer in conformity with the Erie County Stormwater Regulations.
7. Barriers: Whenever a parking lot extends to a property line, fencing, wheel stops, curbs or other suitable barriers shall be provided in order to prevent any part of a parked vehicle from extending beyond the property line.
8. Visibility: Access of driveways for parking areas shall be located in such a way that any vehicle entering or leaving such parking area shall be clearly visible for a reasonable distance by any pedestrian or motorist approaching the access or driveway from a public or private street or alley.
9. Marking: All parking areas for twenty (20) or more spaces shall be marked with paint lines, curb stones or in some other manner approved by the Zoning Inspector and shall be maintained in a clearly visible condition.
10. Maintenance: Any owner of property used for parking areas shall maintain such areas in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash or other debris.
11. Signs: Where necessary due to multiple curb cuts, the entrances, exits and intended circulation pattern of the parking area shall be clearly marked.
12. Lighting: Any lights used to illuminate a parking lot shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from the adjoining property in any residential district.
13. Speed Bumps:
Speed bumps, constructed as part of access drives or parking lots, shall be marked with permanent, yellow diagonal stripes.
b) The speed bumps shall be in the form of mounds as depressions in the pavement and shall be designed to restrain motor vehicle speed.
c) There shall be a warning sign posted at each entrance to parking area having speed bumps.
14. Separation From Streets and Sidewalks: Parking space shall be guarded by curbs or other protective devices which are arranged so that cars cannot project into streets, sidewalks or walkways. A curb cut shall be provided for wheelchair access.
45° 50° 90° Parallel
A Width of Parking Space 12’ 10’ 9’ 9’
B Length of Parking Space 19’ 19’ 19’ 23’
C Width of Driveway Aisle 13’ 17’6” 25’ 12’
D Width of Access Driveway 17’ 14’ 14’ 14’
24.4 Handicapped Parking
Parking facilities serving buildings and facilities required to be accessible to the physically handicapped shall have conveniently located designated spaces provided as follows:
Total Spaces in Lot Structure Number of Designated Accessible Spaces
Up to 100 One space per 25 parking spaces
101 to 200 4 spaces, plus one per 50 spaces over 100
201 to 500 6 spaces, plus one per 75 spaces over 200
Over 500 10 spaces, plus one per 100 spaces over 500
24.5 Joint Parking Lots
The joint or collective provision of required off-street parking areas shall comply with the following standards:
1. All required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except that where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or where such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located not further then five hundred (500) feet from the building served.
2. Not more than fifty (50) percent of the parking spaces required for theaters, bowling alleys, dance halls, night clubs, taverns and similar uses and up to one hundred (100) percent of the parking spaces required for churches, schools, auditoriums and similar uses may be provided and jointly used by banks, offices, retail stores, repair shops, service establishments and similar uses that are not normally open, used or operated during the same hours as the uses with which such spaces are jointly or collectively used.
3. In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their retention for such purposes shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form by legal counsel and filed with the application for a zoning permit.
24.6 Modification of Requirements
The provision of this article may be subject to modifications by the Board of Appeals after considering the following criteria:
a. The location and nature of the proposed use or expansion or an existing use.
b. The projected generation of trips to and from the use and the average length of the stay per unit.
c. The impact of potential parking congestion to surrounding areas.
d. The number of people expected to be employed in the operation or added to the operation.
e. The area which is accessible to the public compared to the area used for warehousing or storage.
f. The area available for parking expansion.
g. The purposes listed in this article.
24.7 Prohibited Uses; Temporary Uses
Automobile parking lots are for the sole purpose of accommodating the passenger vehicles of persons associated with the use which requires them. Parking lots shall not be used in the following and/or loading purposes:
a. The sale, display or storage of automobiles or other merchandise, except those activities typical to an automobile filling station.
b. Parking vehicles accessory to the use.
c. Performing services, including service to vehicles.
d. Any other purposes except permitted as follows:
1. Carnivals, circuses, fairs, exhibitions or other similar events, so long as they do not continue longer than seven days.
2. Sales and display of seasonal decorations (Christmas, etc.) so long as the use would be permitted by right within the underlying district, the use will not continue longer than forty-five (45) days, adequate measures have been taken to address the purposes of this article and a temporary use permit has been obtained.
3. Temporary placement of a mobile home during times of emergency, as declared by the Township Board of Appeals.
4. The placement of donation or recycling collection facilities, provided that such collection facilities are sufficiently enclosed to prevent the scattering of debris, the materials collected are removed at regular intervals and the total size of the facility is less than two hundred (200) square feet.
5. At no time shall temporary uses consume more than ten (10) percent of the total parking lot area.
24.8 Parking of Disabled Vehicles
The parking of a disabled vehicle within a residential district for a period of more than on week shall be prohibited, except that such vehicle may be stored in an enclosed garage or other accessory building, provided that no business shall be conducted in connection therewith while such vehicle is parked or stored.
24.9 Schedule of Required Parking Spaces
For the purposes of this resolution the following parking space requirements shall apply, and the number of parking spaces required for uses not specifically mentioned shall be determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
Single family or two family dwelling Two for each unit
Apartments, townhouses or multi-family dwellings Two for each unit
Manufactured homes Two for each unit
Elderly Housing Parking Three for every four dwelling units
and one per regular shift employee.
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
Animal hospitals and kennels One for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area and one for each two employees.
Motor vehicle repair station One for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area and one for each employee.
Motor vehicle salesroom One for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area and one for each employee.
Car washing facilities One for each employee.
Banks, financial institutions, One for each two hundred fifty (250)
post offices and similar uses square feet of floor area and one for each employee.
Barber and beauty shops Three for each barber or beauty operator.
Carryout restaurants One for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area and one for each two employees.
Drive-in restaurants One for each one hundred twenty-five (125) square feet of floor area and one per each employee.
Hotel and motels One for each sleeping room plus one space for each two employees.
Boarding, rooming, tourist, One for each sleeping room.
bed and breakfast
Furniture, appliance, hardware, machinery Two plus one additional space for equipment sales and service and each two hundred (200) square feet of
wholesale establishments floor area over 1,000 square feet.
Consumer and trade service uses not One for each employee.
otherwise specified
Funeral homes, mortuaries One for each fifty (50) square feet of
and similar type uses floor area in slumber rooms, parlors
or service rooms.
Laundromats One for every two washing machines.
Administrative, business and One for each two hundred (200)
professional office uses square feet of floor area.
Sit down restaurants, taverns, One for each three persons of
night clubs and similar uses capacity.
Retail stores One for each one hundred fifty (150)
square feet of floor area.
Shopping centers One parking space per two hundred
(200) square feet of gross floor area.
All other types of business or commercial uses permitted in any commercial district – one for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor area.
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
All types of manufacturing, storage One for every employee (on the
and wholesale uses permitted in any largest shift for which the building manufacturing district is designed) and one for each motor
vehicle used in the business.
Cartage, express, parcel delivery One and one-half (1½) for every one
and freight terminals employee (on the largest shift for
which the building is designed).
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
Bowling Alleys Four for each alley or lane; one for
each three persons of capacity of the
area used for restaurant, cocktail
lounge or similar use; and one for
each three employees.
Dance halls, skating rinks One for each one hundred (100)
square feet of floor area used for the
activity; one for each three persons
of capacity in a restaurant, snack
bar or cocktail lounge; and one for each three employees.
Outdoor swimming pools; public One for each ten persons of capacity community or club one for each three persons of capacity
for a restaurant.
Auditoriums, sports arenas, theaters One for each four seats.
and similar uses
Miniature golf courses One for each hole and one for each
Private clubs and lodges Two for each playing area; one for
each employee; and one for each one
hundred (100) square feet of other
activity area.
Marina Two spaces for every three dock slips.
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
Churches and other places of One for each eight (8) seats in main
religious assembly assembly room or one for each
classroom, whichever is greater.
Hospitals One for each three (3) beds.
Sanitariums, homes for the aged, One each three (3) beds.
nursing homes, rest homes,
similar uses
Medical and dental clinics One for every one hundred (100)
square feet of floor area.
Libraries, museums and Ten and one for each three hundred
art galleries (300) square feet of floor area in
excess of two thousand (2,000)
square feet.
(Public, Parochial or Private Use)
Type of Use Minimum of One Parking Space For Each
Elementary schools and Four for each classroom; one for every
kindergartens four seats in auditoriums or assembly
halls; and one for each additional
non-teaching employee.
High schools and One for every ten (10) students or one
middle schools for each teacher and employee, or one
for every four seats in auditoriums,
assembly areas or sports fields,
whichever is greater.
Business, technical and One for each two students.
trade schools
Child care centers, nursery school Four for each classroom.
and similar uses
24.10 Off-Street Storage Areas for Drive-In Services
Establishments which by their nature create lines of customers waiting to be served within automobiles shall provide off-street storage areas in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Photo pickups, restaurants, drive-thru beverage docks and other similar commercial establishments that can normally serve customer in three minutes or less shall provide no less than five (5) storage spaces per window. Drive-in restaurants and other similar uses which require an additional stopping point for ordering shall provide a minimum of three (3) additional storage spaces for each stopping point.
2. Other commercial establishments such as banks, savings and loan offices, or other similar facilities with service or money windows shall provide no less than four (4) storage spaces per window.
3. Self-serve automobile washing facilities shall provide no less than three (3) storage spaces per stall. All other automobile washing facilities shall provide a minimum of six (6) storage spaces per entrance.
4. Motor vehicle service stations shall provide no less than two (2) storage spaces for each accessible side of a gasoline pump island. Gasoline pumps shall not be located closer than fifteen (15) feet to any street right-of-way line.
24.11 Off-Street Loading Space Requirements
In any district, in connection with every building or part thereof hereafter erected and having a gross floor area of three thousand (3,000) square feet or more, which is to be occupied by manufacturing, storage, warehouse, goods display, retail store, wholesale store, hotel, hospital, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning or other uses similarly requiring the receipt of distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained, on the same lot with the building, at least one (1) off-street loading space and one (1) additional loading space for each ten thousand (10,000) square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area so used in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet.
24.12 Off-Street Loading Design Standards
All off-street loading spaces shall be in accordance with the following standards and specifications.
1. Loading Space Dimensions: Each loading space shall have minimum dimensions not less than twelve (12) feet in width, sixty-five (65) feet in length and a vertical clearance of not less than fourteen (14) feet.
2. Setbacks: Notwithstanding other provisions of this regulation and the Official and Supplementary Schedules of Permitted Uses and Dimensional Requirements, off-street loading spaces may be located in the required rear or side yard of any district provided that not more than ninety (90) percent of the required rear or side yard is occupied and no part of any loading space shall be permitted closer than fifty (50) feet to any residential district nor closer than five (5) feet from any street or alley.
3. Screening: In addition to the setback requirements specified above, screening shall be provided on each side of an off-street loading space that abuts any residential district. Screening shall comply with the requirements of Section 22.18 of this resolution.
4. Access: All required off-street loading spaces shall have access from a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle leaving the premises shall be traveling in a forward motion.
5. Paving: All required off-street loading spaces, together with driveways, aisles and other circulation areas, shall be surfaced with an asphaltic or Portland cement binder pavement in order to provide a durable or dust free surface.
6. Drainage: All loading spaces, together with driveways, aisles and other circulation areas, shall be designed to prevent the excess drainage of surface water onto adjacent properties, walkways or onto the public streets. Arrangements shall be made to insure acceptable diversion to an adequate stormwater drainage system as approved by the Erie County Engineer in conformity with the Erie County Stormwater Regulations.
7. Lighting: Any lights used to illuminate a loading area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property.