1907 State Rd.
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone: 440-967-3251
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays
Zoning Resolution Article 16
16.0 Statement of Purpose
The C-1 district is intended for retail business and service uses which are needed to service the nearby residential area. The intent of this district is also to encourage the concentration of local business areas to the mutual advantage of both the consumers and merchants and thereby promote the best use of land at certain strategic locations.
16.1 Principal Permitted Uses
1. Shops for the sale of baked goods, beverages, including liquor outlets (not to be consumed on the premises ), books, confections, drugs, flowers, foodstuffs, including meats, gifts, hardware, hobby equipment, jewelry, notions, paint, periodicals, sundry, small household articles and tobacco provisions in Section 16.4.
2. Personal service establishments performing services on the premises, such as barber and beauty shops, watch and shoe repair, tailor shops, locksmith and similar establishments.
3. Laundry or dry cleaning customer outlets, coin-operated laundromat and self serve dry cleaning center. Dry cleaning or laundry plants serving more than one customer service outlet shall be prohibited.
4. Professional offices of doctor, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors and similar professions.
5. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above principal permitted uses.
16.2 Required Conditions
1. All business establishments shall deal directly with consumers.
2. All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
16.3 Prohibited Uses
1. Adult businesses or sexually oriented businesses.
2. Junk yards
16.4 Conditionally Permitted Uses
The following use may be permitted by the Township Board of Zoning Appeals.
1. Planned Shopping Center when used in this context means a commercial development which has been designed, developed and operated as a unit and can satisfy the following criteria: a site of three to five acres; six to fifteen stores; and a floor area of 10,000 to 50,000 square feet; and which further satisfies the following development standards.
a. A planting strip at least ten (10) feet wide shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the site except for driveways onto the public street system. A wall not less than five (5) feet high may be required along those property lines which abut a residential district.
b. No main or accessory building shall be situated less than fifty (50) feet from any perimeter property line.
c. A landscape plan which includes the entire site shall be submitted for approval to determine compliance with screening and planting strips.
d. All signs shall be affixed to the face of the building and shall be of a uniform design throughout, except for one ground pole sign advertising the name of the shopping center.
e. On site pedestrian and vehicle circulation shall be designed to limit traffic hazards.
f. Internal landscaping shall be provided in parking lots containing twenty-five (25) spaces or more.
g. The maximum grade of off-street parking shall be three (3) percent.
h. A site plan must be submitted subject to provisions of Article 22.19.
2. Adult Daycare - A facility to provide less than twenty-four (24) hour care for adults eighteen years of age or older, including recreation, meals, entertainment, and personal care service.
1. Owner shall have at least minimum LPN training.
2. A maximum of four clients.
3. Shall have adequate sanitary facilities.
4. Provisions for handicapped.
5. Adequate safety provisions.
6. Carry sufficient liability insurance.
7. Food service meets Health Department standards.
8. Provision for recreation.
3. Child Day Care Center
a. Outdoor playgrounds, tot lots, exercise areas, etc. shall be fully enclosed by a
fence, the height and design which shall be approved by the Board of Zoning
b. The applicant shall submit a parking and traffic circulation plan to the Board of Zoning Appeals for approval. The design, location and surface of the parking areas and vehicular approaches shall be subject to approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals so as to reduce congestion, promote safety and reduce the impact on the residential character of the neighborhood. The outgoing vehicles during high volume periods shall provide a safe drop of point for children that will not impede other traffic.
c. One sign, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area and mounted flush against the building, shall be permitted.
4. Nursery Schools, Day Nurseries and Child Care Centers (not including dormitories)
providing that for each child so cared for, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of one hundred and fifty (150) square feet of outdoor play area. Such play space shall have a total minimum area of not less thousand (5,000) square feet and shall be screened from any adjoining lot in any residential district. Said use shall not be permitted in the interior of any residential block and shall have a minimum side and rear yards of one hundred (100) feet.
5. Residential use in conjunction with commercial use provided the following conditions are met.
a. One dwelling unit may be permitted in conjunction with a commercial use.
b. Off-street parking must be provided for the dwelling unit in accordance with Section 24.9.
c. The dwelling unit must be a minimum of 900 square feet in floor area.
d. The dwelling unit, if attached to the commercial use must meet setback requirements as the commercial use. If detached, the dwelling unit must meet the same setback requirements as single-family dwellings in the “R-1” District with a minimum of 1,000 square feet floor area for a one-story dwelling and 1,200 square feet floor area for a two-story dwelling.
6. Car Wash
Any automatic or manually operated facility used to accommodate the laundering automobiles and construed to be of a commercial operation managed to produce a profit. Standards that apply to car washes are as follows:
a. Public sanitary sewers and municipal water facilities shall be utilized.
b. For drive-through car washes, an escape lane shall be provided as an alternate exit route. Each washing bay shall be provided a stacking lane, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
c. All structures housing washing apparatuses shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any rear property line and twenty (20) feet from any side lot lines; provided, however, that in the event that the lot fronts on two (2) street right-of-way lines, then the setback requirements on the one (1) street frontage shall be reduced to fifty (50) feet and the setback on the other street frontage shall be reduced to eighty (80) feet.
16.5 Site and Landscape Plan Review
For all uses permitted in C-1 district, a site plan shall be submitted to the Township Zoning Board of Appeals for its review and recommendations. The Zoning Board of Appeals in its review of the site plan shall have regard to the provisions of this resolution. The board may require certain modifications in terms of the location of buildings, parking and driveways and may require screening/landscaping techniques to ameliorate potential nuisance problems with adjoining district of uses or to lessen the transmission of noise from the public street system. A site plan must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Article 22, Section 22.19.
16.6 Screening/Buffering
To assist in the prevention of the transmission of light and noise from within any commercial district into any abutting residential district, screening shall be required where such district abuts or is contiguous to any residential district, without an intervening alley or other public way. Such screening shall be provided within the commercial district, but not within a public street or alley, along the entire contiguity of said districts. Screening shall be of opaque or translucent material resistant to deterioration by natural causes or it shall be of such plant materials as will provide a year round evergreen screening. Screening as provided herein, shall not be less than six feet in height, and shall be provided from the grade of the property upward and shall be permanently maintained. A minimum of a ten foot buffer shall be provided adjacent to a residential district.
Screening or buffering must also be in compliance with the provisions of Article 22.18.
16.7 Development Standards
Minimum Area: 1 acre
Minimum Frontage: 100 feet
Minimum Front Yard: 50 feet
Minimum Side Yard: 20 feet
Minimum Rear Yard: 40 feet
Minimum Setback for Corner Lots: One-half (½) the required front yard setback
Maximum Height: 35 feet
Maximum Coverage: 40 percent
Knox-Box Rapid Entry System installed.
Sidewalks: Pedestrian concrete sidewalks six (6) feet wide, the width of the frontage, located behind road-right-of-way or as designated by the Zoning Inspector.
16.8 Required Parking
As specified in Article 24.
16.9 Signs
As specified in Article 25.
16.10 Supplementary District Regulations
As specified in Article 22.
16.11 Special Regulations
As specified in Article 23
16.12 Accessory Structures
1. Where the accessory structure is attached to a main building, it shall be subject to and must conform to all regulations of this Resolution applicable to the main building.
2. Except as otherwise provided herein, no accessory structure or use shall be erected or carried on in the required front yard.
3. A detached private garage, or other accessory structure may be erected and used in the interior side or rear yard provided that:
a. When such accessory structure is located in the rear yard, a minimum side and rear yard of thirty (30) feet shall be maintained.
b. In no case shall an accessory structure be located closer than twenty (20) feet of any street line or alley.
c. Accessory structure shall not exceed 2,500 square feet.
4. An accessory building shall be a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet from any main building.
5. No accessory structure shall be used for human habitation.
6. Accessory structures must be subordinate in area to the principal use.
7. The maximum height of any accessory structure shall be thirty-five (35) feet.