1907 State Rd.
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone: 440-967-3251
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays
Elected Officials
Vermilion Township has four elected officials: three trustees and one fiscal officer. Each official serves a four-year term of office.
Ronald Dickel
Trustee since 2002
Lifetime Resident
Email: ronldickel@gmail.com
Term ending: 12/31/25
Phone: 440-967-7619
Carl Hill
Resident for 32 years
Email: chill031957@gmail.com
Term ending: 12/31/23
Phone: 440-336-1522
Rodger Scott
Resident for 27 years
Email: r.scottvermilion@gmail.com
Term ending: 12/31/25
Phone: 440-396-6809
Brenda Zsebik
Fiscal Officer
Lifetime Resident
Email: bzsebik@vermiliontownship.com
Term ending: 3/31/24
Ph: 440-967-3251 Ext. 83
Fax: 440-967-8843
Meeting Information
The Vermilion Township Board of Trustees meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
All meetings are held at the Vermilion Township Offices: 1907 State Rd., Vermilion, OH 44089.
Residents who wish to address the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting or special meeting must sign the Sign in Sheet before the start of the meeting.
Meeting dates are subject to change. Please contact the Vermilion Township office at 440-967-3251 to verify date and time.
Tina Karres
Township Secretary
Email: tkarres@vermiliontownship.com
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
Phone: 440-967-3251
Fax: 440-967-8843
Laraine Bailey
BZA/Zoning Commission Secretary
Email: bsecretary@vermiliontownship.com
Phone: 440-967-3251
Fax: 440-967-8843